How long can the bank take to correct an electronic funds transfer (EFT) error and credit my account?
Generally, a bank can take up to 10 business days after being notified of a potential error to determine if an EFT error has occurred. The bank should respond to you within three business days of completing its investigation.
If the bank cannot make a decision within 10 business days, it may take up to 45 days from the date it was notified of the error to determine if an error has occurred. In this case it must provisionally (temporarily) reimburse your account. (Note: Depending on the type of transaction, the 45-day limit can be extended.)
Refer to 12 CFR 1005 "Electronic Fund Transfers (Regulation E)."
Last Reviewed: April 2021
Please note: The terms "bank" and "banks" used in these answers generally refer to national banks, federal savings associations, and federal branches or agencies of foreign banking organizations that are regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Find out if the OCC regulates your bank. Information provided on should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion of the OCC.